Lesson Overview:
01) Ahab’s Wickedness. Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son
02) Elijah’s Mount Carmel Victory
03) God’s Revelation to Elijah. Elisha Follows Elijah
04) Ahab Defeats the Syrians. Ahab Covets
Naboth’s Vineyard
05) Elijah Twice Brings Fire From Heaven On Those
Sent to Take Him
06) Elijah Is Taken Up Into Heaven. Elisha Performs
07) The Moabites Are Defeated. Elisha’s Miracles
08) Naaman’s Leprosy Healed
09) The Blinded Syrians Captured. The
Shunammite’s Land Restored
10) Jehu Anointed King of Israel. Worshipers of
Baal Killed
11) Jehoash Repairs the Temple. The Death of
12) Sennacherib’s Blasphemous Letter. Hezekiah’s
13) Hezekiah’s Life Extended